Metric Zoom allows you to easily compare performance across time periods for different groups of students. Reminder that Metric Zoom is available for Schoolzilla Administrators and School Leaders for their assigned schools. Below are the steps to use Metric Zoom to review performance over time.
- Open Metric Zoom by selecting Explore on the relevant metric (tile).
- Click on the relevant year and/or time periods at the top. By default, the graph will sclass = border how data for the current and previous school year.
If a school year is showing that you are not interested in seeing, you can click on the year to make it disappear (you don't need to click on each month/time period). If desired, you can then click on the particular month or test period you want to see - Next, you can use the COMPARE BY drop down to select how you would like the data to be disaggregated. For example, you can review chronic absence by Primary Disability.
- If you are interested in reviewing results for multiple subgroups at once, you can use FILTER BY in addition to COMPARE BY. For example, you can review the performance for African American (primary ethnicity category) students at South Petersborough (school category), compared by gender.
- If you are interested in reviewing the data using the same filters and comparisons, but in more detail (by performance categories), you can click on the distribution icon.