How We Connect
Once Aeries is connected to Schoolzilla, Aeries data is pulled nightly via the vendor’s Application Programming Interface (API). Only data from the most recent academic school year’s database is regularly refreshed in Schoolzilla. During the first two weeks of July, we begin refreshing data from the next year’s database. If you have not initiated the new year in Aeries before the beginning of July, the refresh will begin as soon as it is initiated.
For more information about getting connected, please review our setup article here.
Mappings Overview
Student demographic data is sourced from Student Information (STU), Student Information Extended (STU), Enrollment History (ENR), and the Student Programs (PGM, FRE and CSE).
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
System Student ID | Values are populated using the Permanent ID (ID) field in the Students (STU) table. |
Full Name | Values are populated using the Last Name (LN) and First Name (FN) fields in the Students (STU) table. |
Current Grade Level |
Values are populated using the first valid option:
Values are populated using the Description (DE) field in the Codes (COD) table for the Language Fluency Code (LF) field in the Students (STU) table. | |
FRL Status* |
Values are populated using a student's current record in the ProgramCode (CD) field in the Lunch Program (FRE) table.
Foster Care Status* | Values are equal to "In Foster Care" if a student has a current record in the Programs (PGM) table where ProgramCode (CD) is 190. All other students are considered "Not in Foster Care". |
Gender* | Values are populated using the Sex (SX) field from the Students (STU) table. |
Grade Level at the Time |
Values are populated using the first valid option:
Note: Grade Level at the Time references the grade the student was enrolled in during the time of the specific referenced event. |
Homeless Status* | Values are equal to "Homeless" if a student has a current record in the Programs (PGM) table where ProgramCode (CD) is 191. All other students are considered "Not Homeless". |
Is SPED* | Values are equal to "In Special Education" if a student has a current record in the Programs (PGM) table where ProgramCode (CD) is 144. All other students are considered "Not in Special Education". |
Migrant Status* | Values are equal to "Migrant" if a student has a current record in the Programs (PGM) table where ProgramCode (CD) is 135. All other students are considered "Not Migrant". |
Military Family Status* | Values are equal to "In Military Family" if a student has a current record in the Programs (PGM) table where ProgramCode (CD) is 192. All other students are considered "Not in Military Family". |
Primary Ethnicity* |
Values are populated using the first valid option:
SPED Status* | Values are populated using the student's current Disability Code Description field from the Special Education (CSE) table. All other students are considered to have "No disability". |
A comprehensive teacher user is sourced from two places in Aeries (in order of preference):
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
Full Name | Values are populated using the Last Name (LN) and First Name (FN) fields in the Teacher (TCH) if it is available, otherwise Staff (STF) tables are used. |
Values are populated using the Email Address (EM) in the Teacher (TCH) if available, otherwise Staff (STF) tables are used. |
School calendar data is sourced from the Calendar (DAY) endpoint.
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
School Year | Calendars are linked to school years using the Calendar Date (DT) field in the Day (DAY) table. If the month of the date is August or later, the Year + 1 is used, otherwise, the year of the calendar date is used. |
In Session | Days are considered "In Session" if the Holiday Code (HO) field in the Day (DAY) table is blank, "%" or "+". |
School Enrollment & Retention
Student school enrollment history populated using the Enrollment History (ENR) endpoint. Administrators have the option to exclude enrollments based on AttendanceProgramCode value(s). They must contact Schoolzilla support to do so.
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
School Year | Enrollments are linked to school years using the Academic Year (YR) field in the Enrollments (ENR) table. |
Entry Date | Values are populated using the End Date (ED) field in the Enrollments (ENR) table. |
Exit Date | Values are populated using the Leave Date (LD) field in the Enrollments (ENR) table. If the Leave Date (LD) field is NULL, the exit date is defaulted to the last day of the school year for their school. |
Exit Code | Values are populated using the Exit Reason Code (ER) field in the Enrollments (ENR) table. |
No Show |
Enrollments are considered “No Show” records if the Exit Reason (ER) field in the Enrollments (ENR) table is 420 or 470. 420 - Now a deprecated CALPADS code that is valid for historical data (it was once used to mean "NoShowSamSchl" but was deprecated in 2014) 470 - The current CALPADS exit code for a NoShow |
School | Enrollments are linked to schools using the School Code (SC) field in the Enrollments (ENR) table. |
Student Rosters (Class & Teacher Associations)
Students are rostered to classes and teachers using the Student Class Schedule (CAR) and Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) endpoints.
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
School Year | Class enrollments are linked to school years using the End Date (DT) field in the Terms (TRM) table for the Semester the Section (CAR.SE) is offered. If the month of the date is August or later, the Year + 1 is used. Otherwise, the year of the calendar date is used. |
Class Entry Date | Values are populated using the Date Started (DS) field in the Classes (CAR) table. |
Class Exit Date | Values are populated using the Date Ended (DE) field in the Classes (CAR) table. |
Staff | Class enrollments are linked to staff using the StaffID1 field or the Teacher Number (SMS.TN, SMS.TN2, and SMS.TN3) and School Code fields for the relevant section (CAR.SE). |
Daily attendance is constructed using the Enrollment History (ENR) and Attendance (ATT) endpoints. We assume a student is present for every in-session school day they were enrolled at their school for which they are not otherwise marked absent.
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
Attendance Value | Values are equal to 0 for the day if the All Day Attendance Code (AL) has a Type (TY) of 1, 2 or 3 in the Attendance History Attendance Codes (AHC) table. All other All Day Value Codes and in-session days the student was enrolled will have a value of 1 for the day. |
Absence Code | Values are populated using the All Day Attendance Code (AL) field from the Attendance (ATT) table. A code is considered "absent" if the Type (TY) value is 1, 2 or 3 in the Attendance History Attendance Codes (AHC) table. |
School | Attendance is linked to schools using the SC field in the ENR table. |
Behavior data is loaded from the Assertive Discipline (ADS) endpoint.
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
School Year | Behavior incidents are linked to school years using the Incident Date (DT) and School of Incident Code (SCL) in the Assertive Discipline (ADS) table. |
School | Behavior incidents are linked to schools using the School of Incident Code (SCL) in the Assertive Discipline (ADS) table. |
Incident Date | Values are populated using the Incident Date (DT) field in the Assertive Discipline (ADS) table. |
Incident Time of Day | Values are populated using the Exact Time (ET) field in the Assertive Discipline (ADS) table. |
Behavior Category | Values are populated using the Category (CAT) field in the Codes (COD) table for the Violation Code 1 (CD) in the Assertive Discipline (ADS) table. If no category is available, the Description (DE) from the Codes (COD) table will be used instead. |
Behavior Location | Values are populated using the Location Code (LCN) field in the Assertive Discipline (ADS) table. |
Behavior Response | Values are populated using the Description (DE) field in the Codes (COD) table for the Disposition Code (DS). |
Cumulative GPA is sourced from the Student GPAs (STU) endpoint. Only the student’s most recent Cumulative GPA Value is reported.
The supported cumulative GPA types match those pre-calculated in Aeries:
- Total GPA
- Academic GPA
- Grades 10-12 Academic GPA
- Total GPA Non-weighted
- Academic GPA Non-weighted
- Grades 10-12 Academic GPA Non-weighted
- UC Academic GPA
- CSU Academic GPA
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
GPA Calculation | GPA values are associated with GPA based on stored column. |
GPA Value |
Values are populated using the relevant following fields in the STU table:
Schoolzilla-Calculated Term GPA is available based on loaded final grades data below. Read more here.
Grades data is sourced from the Student Report Cards (GRH), Student Report Card Marking Periods (GRP) and Student Transcripts (HIS) endpoints.
The documentation below represents the default mappings in place. Some of these mappings can be customized and are typically updated during initial setup. Customizable fields have an asterisk (*).
By default, the Course Failures by Grading Period metric will include Report Card Grades and the Course Failures by Term metric will include Transcript grades.
Key Field(s) | Mapping(s) |
School Year |
Transcript grades are linked to the school year using the School Year (YR) in the Transcript (HIS) table. Report card grades are linked to the school year based on the Academic Year of the source database. |
School |
Transcript grades are linked to schools using the School Taken ID (ST) field in the Transcripts (HIS) table. Report card grades are linked to schools using the School Code (SC) field. |
Course Subject* |
Values are populated using the first non-null option:
Class Period |
Values are populated using the Period (PD) field in the Sections (SMS) table. For courses that only appear on a student’s transcript (course is not in the CRS table), class period is not available. Finally for elementary grades, class period will represent the students grade level (GR) based on their enrollment history (ENR). |
Values are populated using the Mark (MK) field in the Report Card (GRH) table for Report Card grades or using the Mark (MK) field in the Transcripts (HIS) table for Transcript grades. | |
Grading Period |
Grades are linked to grading periods using the School Code (SC) and Marking Period (MP) in the Report Cards table. Values are populated using the Short Description (GRP.H# + " " + GRP.S#) field in the Report Card Marking Period (GRP) table. Not supported for Transcript Grades.** |
Term |
Grades are linked to terms using the School Taken ID (ST) and Term (TE) field in the Transcriptions (HIS) table. Values are populated using the Term Code field in the Terms (TRM) table and Term field in Transcriptions (HIS) table. Not supported for Report Card (Final & In Progress) Grades.** |
Grade Type | Values are equal to "Transcript" for all data loaded from the Transcript (HIS) table. Values are equal to “Report Card” for all data loaded from the Report Card (RRH) table. |
Grade Status | All grades from Aeries are considered "Final". In-progress course grades are not currently calculated. |
Known Limitations
Flex Scheduling - Flex Scheduling is not currently supported; we anticipate it supporting for 2022-23. Flex Scheduling allows secondary school sites to build a master schedule using new features such as Class Calendars, Flex Periods, and the ability to associate multiple staff members to a section (Section Staff Members) while still designating one person as a primary teacher. From Aeries documentation: "Flex Scheduling is under active development and every version of Aeries brings enhancements to overall system support for it." As of August 2021, this is a new scheduling functionality that is "intended for use by early adopters" upon request, is not available for any elementary schools, and is expected to change frequently throughout the year. ("This is a work in progress and early adopters should expect to experience situations where an existing feature of Aeries may not work as anticipated.") Schoolzilla has decided to not support this functionality while it is in the development phase. We plan to incorporate it for the 2022-23 school year when it will be widely released.
Implications: For any secondary schools at a district that are using Flex Scheduling in 2021-22, this means: 1) Teacher/section options in Our Students will fail to populate, 2) teacher permissions will be missing (teachers would not see data for their students), 3) teacher accounts will not be automatically created, and 4) class attendance will not be available in the data warehouse (for Enterprise customers).
Non-Assertive Discipline (DIS) - Non-assertive discipline is not currently supported by the Aeries API and also not available in Schoolzilla Dashboards.
Frequent Data Quality Issues
No known frequent issues at this time.
Frequently Asked Questions
None at this time.