Creating a Data Warehouse Account
Data Warehouse accounts can be created for any user that has the "Administrator" role.
To add a new administrator with a Data Warehouse Account, access My Users from the Settings menu.
From My Users, select the option to Add New People. Because only Schoolzilla Administrators can have Data Warehouse accounts, you'll select the option to add a new administrator.
Selecting "Add Data Warehouse account" will ensure that the user is able to log into and the data warehouse directly using the account setup.
Adding a Data Warehouse Account
To add a Data Warehouse Account for an existing account, access "My Users" from the settings menu and find the user to which you want to add a Data Warehouse account.
Select Edit to modify the account you'd like to modify. From the user's profile, you can edit the account to add a Data Warehouse account.
Note: If the user currently has a teacher, school leader or restricted role, you'll need to upgrade the user to the administrator role before a data warehouse account can be enabled.
Your District's Allowable IP Addresses
Next, you'll need to provide a list of IP addresses allowed to connect to your data warehouse. (This might include your district's IP addresses or the IP addresses of cloud-based tools you use, including data visualization tools like Tableau Online, QuickSight, etc.)
To add the IP addresses, go to Settings > My Data > Data Warehouse Allowed IP Address List. You can list multiple IP addresses by separating them with a comma. You can expect the IP address(es) to be updated in our system within one business day.
Users can use to find and report back their IP for addition to the list.
How does Schoolzilla use this information?
Schoolzilla uses this information to update our security tools to allow only the IP addresses specified in this list access to your data warehouse. This helps to reduce the potential for security issues for IP addresses not found on this list.
Currently, Schoolzilla only supports IPV4 addresses and does not support IPV6 addresses.
In order to keep your data secure, Schoolzilla limits the ranges of IP addresses which can be allowed. The CIDR ranges from 23 to 32 are the only ranges allowed. This allows up to 510 IP addresses per range to be allowed. can be used to calculate CIDR ranges.
Connecting to your Schoolzilla Data Warehouse
If you have not done so already, please follow the directions above to create a data warehouse account and ensure your district's IP addresses are on the allow list before connecting.
- Download and install a database management tool (e.g. SSMS for Windows, or SQLPro or DBeaver for Mac).
- Create a new database connection in your database management tool for SQL Server.
- Username is your email address
- Password is the same as your password and can be reset on the password reset page
- Server name is your (ex:*
- If required, the database name is Cust + your customerID (ex. Cust1234)*
- If required, the port is 1433 (default port for SQL Servers).
*Please reach out to Schoolzilla Support if you do not know your customerID.
- Once connected, you can query data in the raw, staged, and dw schemas. For a refresher on the Schoolzilla ETL process and star schema, see here.
- You can also explore options to create tables, views, and procedures in your custom schema. See our SQL Tips and Tricks section for helpful suggestions on best SQL practices.