Review and Group Demographics
Data Configuration Settings can be accessed from the Settings menu. This page enables you to:
- Make demographics
- Group demographic values into your own categories
To group demographic values, use the button to create your own category. Use the
to edit or remove existing categories.
Then click to select values, select a category from the drop down, the Move button
, and save your changes.
Group Schools in School Level and School Region
You can also group schools in two ways: School Level and School Region. Just like with demographic groups, you can create, edit or remove your own categories. These categories will then display and aggregate in drop-down in your Schoolzilla dashboards when you select School Level and School Region.
Categorize Exit Codes
Categorize your exit codes by navigating to the Data Configuration Settings page from the Settings menu.
- Select Metric Configurations and click Exit Codes from the list of metric configurations on the left pane.
- Select exit code values and move to the correct category. Hovering over the question mark icon next to the category name provides a category definition.
For more details on how these data are used to calculate year-over-year retention metrics, review our documentation on the Help Center.
Set Official Enrollment Rules
Specify the enrollment criteria that a student must meet to be included in a starting cohort. Also, indicate preferences for including "No Shows" in the data warehouse on the Data Configuration Settings Page.
To get started, navigate to Data Configuration Settings from the Settings menu and click Metric Configurations. On the left pane, find "Official Enrollment Rules".
To learn more about how to use Data Configuration Settings watch our instructional video here.
Follow directions on the page to set:
- Minimum days enrolled for a student to be included in cohort metrics (e.g. year over year retention)
- Enrollment windows
- Whether to include/exclude "No Shows"
Have questions about what it means to be a "No Show"? Learn more about configuring Enrollment Rules here.
Categorize Behavior Responses, Grade Names, Grade Periods and Course Subjects on Data Configuration Settings
Navigate to the Data Configuration Settings page from the Settings menu and then select Metric Configurations.
Select each relevant metric configuration option (e.g. Behavior Categories) and review and update data configurations.
Behavior Categories
Group your behavior categories for calculating office discipline referral rate and count. The Uncategorized and Office-Managed categories BOTH contribute to the metrics. Please see more detail here on the Help Center about the office discipline referral metrics.
Behavior Responses
Group your behavior codes for calculating suspension and expulsion rate(s). Are you including both in-school and out-of-school suspensions? Make sure it’s clear to your users by updating your metric definition.
Course Subjects
Only "core courses" are included when calculating your course failure rate. Tell us which subjects should be considered "Core Courses" or include them all!
Grade Names
Use this configuration option to tell us what you considering "failing" or decide to track your "D & F" rate (e.g., Ds and Fs or just Fs). If you include non-failing grades, be sure to update your metric definition so your users understand what’s included.
Grade Periods
Different schools may use different grading periods in your district. Group and order your grading periods for the course failure metric. Grade periods will appear in the trend line view based on their order from left to right on this configuration page.
Different schools may have classes with different term names. Group and order your terms for the course failure and GPA metrics. Terms will appear in the trend line view based on the order from left to right on this configuration page. Please see more information about additional configurations available for the GPA metrics here.
To learn more about how to use Data Configuration Settings watch our instructional video here.
Note: It may take up to 24 hours for configurations to take effect.