Organize Your Metrics
Schoolzilla organizes metrics into strategic pillars on the Profile pages, Our Schools and Our Students. Strategic pillars have names (e.g. “CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM, SUSPENSIONS & FAILING GRADES”) and descriptions (e.g. “Leading indicators of student engagement, school climate and graduation”).
One or more metrics can be added to each strategic pillar in an order you specify.
Please complete this form to configure your strategic pillars and group your metrics.
Ideas for organizing your Schoolzilla dashboards:
- Organize metrics by your strategic plan areas or essential questions, using language that is familiar to staff in your buildings.
- Assess which metrics people should see first at the top of the screen. What metrics are most important for people to monitor with frequency?
- Consider clustering high-frequency, early-identification metrics such as Chronic Absence, Suspensions and Course Failures into one pillar making it easier for staff to filter metrics results at once on Our Students.
- Think about separating academic strategic pillars per subject area. For example, make it easier to compare ELA results on Normed Benchmark proficiency, Normed Benchmark growth and State Test performance together.
- Order your leading indicators first within a strategic pillar and lagging indicators -- such as annual state test results -- last. Or, group all of your normed assessments together in one pillar and put state tests in a pillar below.
Hide/Unhide Metrics
Metrics that have been added to strategic pillars can be made visible or invisible on all dashboards using Metric Settings.
Access Metric Settings using the settings icon in the top right corner of any metric or by clicking on Metric Settings in the Settings menu.
Control visibility of the metric using the toggle on the right.
Ideas for when you might want to hide or unhide metrics:
- Preparing for initial rollout with your school leaders? Focus their attention on a small set of metrics (ex: 3-5) to ensure that they learn the tool and are not overwhelmed by the amount of information.
- Not confident in the configuration, goal or data quality for one or more metrics? Hide them until you are ready, without preventing people from using Schoolzilla for the metrics that are right and ready today. Use the preview tile to help you make this decision.
- Have an existing set of district goals around a set of metrics? Hide metrics on Schoolzilla that are not on that list to help focus and align folks across the district.
- Heard about a new metric you've been waiting for? Make it visible using Metric Settings.
Note: It will take up to 24 hours for the tile to become visible.