Definition: Total number of office discipline referrals
Default Cut Point: n/a
Periodicity (time period): Ongoing - calculates as year-to-date (cumulative)
Default Performance Levels: n/a (instead, you will see a calendar view of the last two calendar months with a count for each day)
Possible Configurations:
- Admin User:
- Behavior Categories deemed office referrals in the Data Configurations Settings. See here for further guidance on how you can edit this configuration. *Please note that all Behavior Categories in the Office-Managed (Minor, Major) AND the Uncategorized (default) categories are included in the metric.
- Behavior Responses flagged or not flagged as “Not Office Referral” in the Data Configuration Settings.
- Schoolzilla Support: n/a
District and School Metric Calculation:
Office discipline referral count = | Number of office referrals (as designated through Data Configuration Settings) 1,2,3 |
- Students who had an enrollment and attendance record in the current academic year, including students who have exited.
- If a student is dual/concurrently enrolled, his/her incidents would contribute to the school where the incidents took place.
- The student records that are used to calculate the district office referral count include all referrals the student has received in the district, not just what was received in the current or selected school. See below logic.
- The metric on District Profile/Our Schools uses a student's office referrals in the district.
- The metric on School Profile uses a student's office referrals received in that school (including students who are no longer enrolled, but were enrolled anytime that year).
Student Level Metric: n/a (to see the total number of office discipline referrals at the student level, leverage the Office Discipline Referral Rate metric)
Source: Student information system and/or behavior system (e.g., SWIS, Kickboard)
Update frequency: Nightly
- If multiple students are associated with the same incident and have behavior(s) categorized as office referrals associated with that incident, the office discipline referral count will include a record for each student involved with a given incident.
- This metric may not match other reporting calculations due to the fact Schoolzilla incorporates all students ever enrolled in the school year in this metric. A student is considered as ever enrolled even if he/she was enrolled for only one day.
- If two different systems that you have connected to Schoolzilla overlap in capturing discipline referrals (ex. an office referral is tracked in your student information system and the same office referral is tracked in Kickboard), Schoolzilla cannot differentiate between those events and will instead show them as duplicates. Schoolzilla Support can add a parameter to use only one system as a source of truth if preferred.