Definition: Total comprehension quizzes passed in Accelerated Reader (current year only)
Periodicity (time period): Ongoing - calculates as year-to-date (cumulative)
Default Performance Levels: n/a
Default Dataset Filters: Quiz Type equal to Reading Practice, Other Reading, Article Quizzes, Read and Quiz Assignment
Possible Configurations:
- Admin User: The score for passing can be modified in RGP
- Schoolzilla Support: Copies for a specific quiz types (e.g., Reading Practice; note Vocabulary Practice does not have a pass categorization); copy for a specific literary category (e.g., fiction only)
District and School Metric Calculation:
Total Quizzes Passed = | Number of books/articles for which students have passed a comprehension quiz 1, 2 |
- Includes Reading Practice, Other Reading, Article Quizzes, Read and Quiz Assignment quiz types.
- A school’s metrics only include students’ AR data from when they attended that school.
Student Level Metric: Student’s total number of books/articles passed
Student Profile shows overall (year-to-date) total quizzes passed, with monthly showing cumulative count up until that point in time. To get a total for February, for example, you would subtract the January total from the February total.
Source: Accelerated Reader
Update frequency: Nightly. If quizzes are taken after 5pm PST, then may take up to 48 hours for those quizzes to be reflected in Schoolzilla.
Known Limitations: Only data for the current school year are available.