Schoolzilla connects to Synergy using VPN* and ODBC**.
To get started, Schoolzilla needs to be able to securely access the server on which your Synergy database is hosted. To do that, we will need to confirm VPN type (e.g. Cisco, F5, IPSec, Juniper, L2TP, Pulse, SonicWall, and Windows (SSTP)) and your team will need to create a VPN account for Schoolzilla. Please note, we do not require access to any other parts of your network.
Once you’ve confirmed VPN type, Schoolzilla will add a VPN-specific form for you to securely submit credentials for the created account.
In addition, for all VPN types, you will need to complete the Synergy Credentials form on My Data.
*Virtual Private Network (VPN): VPN gives Schoolzilla a highly secure way of connecting to the server that hosts your SIS. Think of this as the “pipe” that connects Schoolzilla to your data.
**Open Database Connectivity (ODBC): ODBC lets Schoolzilla pull important data out of your SIS and transport it through the secure VPN “pipe.” Think of this as the “valve” that lets Schoolzilla pump data out of your SIS and into your dashboards.