- If you're able to navigate directly to this URL then you can skip down to step #4. Otherwise, log into https://dibels.uoregon.edu, click on Reports in the top navigation bar, and click on Data Farming.
- Click on Scope: District and click Continue.
- Click on Grade: – All Grades --.
- Click on the school year for which you would like to download data as the "School Starting Year" and click Continue.
- You'll need to select the same "Ending Academic Year" as the "Starting School Year". Uploading to Schoolzilla will fail if there are multiple years of data in a single export data file.
- Select Assessment: DIBELS Next and click Continue.
- Select the desired "Assessment Period" value. Please note, Schoolzilla does not support to downloading "-- All Periods --" in a single file. If you are downloading historical data for an entire academic year, you'll want to download "Beginning", "Middle", and "End" period data as 3 separate files.
- Select Filter for Students: With Data in any period and click Continue.
- In the "Student Information" section, all (5) check boxes should be checked. This should include:
- Student Name
- Student ID
- Secondary ID
- Date of Birth
- Demographics
- In the "Location" section, 1 check box should be checked:
- Schools
- In the "Analysis: section, 1 check box should be checked:
- Need for Support
- In the "Internal Database: section, no check boxes should be checked.
- Select Delimiter: Comma separated.
- Click Continue.
- Select Need for Support: Former Goals and click Continue.
- Click Download Full Dataset.
Note: Datasets for additional Periods and Academic Years can be downloaded by changing the drop-down menu values at the top of the page and clicking again on "Download Full Dataset". Thus, for each completed academic year you should download 3 separate files, one for each period: Beginning, Middle, and End.