Note: This article is for schools in the UK.
If your school is connected to Schoolzilla using the Wonde integration but your MIS is not currently supported for calendar data or your MIS does not allow external access to calendar data (e.g: ScholarPack) you will need to manually upload your school calendar information before some features of Schoolzilla will work correctly.
You will need to fill out the template file (instructions below) and then upload it under the Wonde form in My Data. If you do not see that My Data form and believe this process is relevant to you, please contact Schoolzilla Support to request the My Data Wonde form.
Completing the Template
Please download the template file from here to help you enter this information correctly. Update the template file that you downloaded as follows:
- The first column in the template is a Wonde ID for the school. This column must be populated with the correct Wonde ID for each school you add to the file otherwise we will not be able to link the data to the correct school.
- The other columns in the template are, from left to right:
- Wonde ID: as mentioned above.
- Type: the type of entry. This can be either: Academic Year|Half-Term Holiday|Holiday|Term|Staff Training. Please use exact type names as written here.
- Description: a textual description of the entry, for example: "Christmas Holiday".
- Start Date: The start date and time of the entry in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
- End Date: The end date and time of the entry in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
- Academic Year Four Digit Code: the year in which the academic year ends in four numbers, e.g: 2021.
- The "Academic Year" entry should cover the whole year including holidays from the first day of the autumn term (even if that's an INSET day) to the last day of the summer holidays.
- The "Term" entries are useful but not strictly necessary provided that all the holidays are entered correctly so please feel free to leave them out if you prefer.
- The template includes some sample INSET days. Please make sure that you add your school's INSET days separately rather than rolling them up into any adjacent holidays should they fall that way.
- The template also includes example bank holidays as separate entries. If bank holidays fall within your school holidays there is no need to add them separately (e.g. the Christmas bank holidays in the example file). Unfortunately you currently need to add all other bank holidays to the file at the present time.
- Please note that the start and end date of an entry should be the first and last day of the entry, not the day after or day before.
Note: There must be a complete set of entries in the file for every school for which calendar data cannot currently be retrieved from Wonde. This is to facilitate differing dates for each school.
Uploading the File
Once you have filled out the template for your schools, you can upload under Settings --> My Data.
The click the "Wonde" option under the "Student Information System" heading:
You will be presented with a form that allows you to upload the calendar file you have created.