1. Set Priorities for the New School Year in a Data-Driven Way
As a multi-measure dashboard, Schoolzilla is a great tool to get a complete picture of your school's performance and identify successes to build upon and opportunities for growth to focus on during a school year. No need to track down data across multiple platforms; all of your attendance, behavior, and academic data are in one place to help you set your priorities in a data-driven way. In addition, Metric Zoom functionality within the School Profile allows you to dig deep into your data to see trends over time and assessment results by strand. Learn more about reflecting on your school's performance and presenting out in this article.
When: Annual
What: Annual planning meeting, year-in-review step back; site plans
2. Track Progress Throughout the School Year to Help You Meet Your Goals
In order to achieve your school goals*, you'll need to regularly review progress, identify where things are working, and highlight instances where you need to try a new approach. Schoolzilla supports your cycle of inquiry (e.g., Plan-Do-Study-Act) and helps you quickly identify areas that should be celebrated and others that need your attention. With the School Profile, you and your team can immediately see if you're meeting your goals for each key metric, find trends across different groups of students or days of the week, and compare performance to last year. Here are the 8 essential questions you can quickly answer using Schoolzilla and an example of how you can use Schoolzilla to review chronic absence trends.
When: Every 4-8 weeks
What: School leadership team meetings, principal meetings; quarterly focus areas or priority plans
*If you have not yet set school goals in Schoolzilla or if your goals need updating, please contact your district's Schoolzilla administrator to configure them for you (this is an admin privilege).
3. Create Student Groups for Differentiated Instruction and Intervention
Using the Our Students dashboard and student intervention group functionality, you can identify students who need extra support or differentiated instruction based on criteria you set. You can look at performance across multiple assessments, attendance, and/or behavior in order to better target similar issues across students. You can then easily monitor their progress to see if they are improving. Learn more about student intervention groups here.
When: As needed
What: Meetings with your counselors, coaches, and/or teachers to align on interventions and progress
4. Keep a Pulse on Students with Certain Results
Using views in Our Students, you can set criteria for different student outcomes so you are always up-to-date on your student population. Views are dynamic, and the students who meet the criteria will update nightly, as your data refresh. Views can help you identify students who should be celebrated (for example, those who have perfect attendance) or who may need additional support (e.g., 1+ suspensions). Views are also particularly helpful if you're tracking multiple at-risk indicators and want to catch students before they drop out (e.g., attendance, behavior, course failures) or develop more serious performance issues (e.g., office discipline referrals as indicator for suspensions).
When: As needed
What: School leadership team meetings, grade-level team meetings, student support team meetings, school celebrations
5. Gather a Holistic View of an Individual Student
You're able to quickly gather a holistic picture of an individual student using the Student Profile. This helps you efficiently prepare for meetings with an individual student or family member and point to data to support your case or use as a jumping off point to identify root causes for challenges or celebrations.
When: As needed, likely 2-3 times/week
What: One-on-one meetings with students or parents