Note: All screenshots and example insights below are fake data from our demo site.
Question | Example Insight | Where to Find Data in SZ |
How are different subgroups performing? | I discovered that our Asian students have higher rates of chronic absenteeism than other groups. |
District Profile OR School Profile Click horizontal bar icon to see results by different demographic groups. Hover over a bar to see number of students included in that subgroup; be careful with your conclusions if small number of students. |
How are we doing so far throughout the year and compared to last year? | Unfortunately, chronic absence rates have been higher for most of 17-18 than in 16-17. December of 2016 is when our chronic absence rate was the lowest over the last two years. I wonder if this is due to the communication we sent out to parents at Thanksgiving that year. |
District Profile OR School Profile Click line chart icon to see results over time and compared to last year. |
Do we have students who are close to being chronically absent? | Almost half of all of my students are At Risk of becoming chronically absent. This should be a key priority for our district. I wonder what outreach is planned in January. |
District Profile OR School Profile Click stacked bar icon to see percentage of students at different attendance rate categories. Hover over each color to see the exact attendance rate range included in the category. |
How consistent is performance across our schools? Are there bright spots to learn from? | Rates vary pretty dramatically across our schools, especially within middle schools. We have a number of schools meeting their goals. I wonder if Desert Rock Middle is using different strategies than the other MS. |
School Profile Use Our Schools to see how chronic absence rates vary across your schools. You can look at whole-school results or filter for a particular subgroup across all your schools. |