The attendance data blocks (daily, class and school) are designed to report on attendance by school, student, and course.
School Attendance
This data block provides aggregated enrollment and attendance information at the school level by day. As it does not contains student-specific data, it runs very quickly. You can use this data block to report on high-level school trends in attendance, enrollment, and absences.
The School Attendance data block includes one row of data for each date for each school with total enrollment, enrollment growth, attendance, and absences.
To use, the fact table (attendance.DW_factAttendanceSchool) should be joined to the School (dw.DW_dimSchool) and School Calendar tables (dw.DW_dimSchoolCalendar) use the relevant keys (e.g. SchoolKEY and SchoolCalendarKEY).
The DailyAttendance, DailyEnrollment, and DailyAbsence fields in the fact table aggregate to the school and day level the number of student in attendance, enrollment, and absent. The PercentDailyAttendance calculates average daily attendance for each day and school; sum of students in attendance that day / sum of students enrolled that day. The DailyEnrollmentGrowth field calculates the change in enrollment at the school from the previous day.
If you are analyzing your data using Tableau Desktop, a starter data source is available here.
Daily Attendance
This data block provides attendance and enrollment information at the student level by day. You can use this data source to report on average attendance by grade, student demographics or school.
One row of information for each date for each student with a mark for enrolled, present and absent.
To use, the fact table (attendance.DW_factAttendanceDaily) should be joined to the:
- Attendance Code (attendance.dw_dimAttendanceCode using AttendanceCodeKEY)
- Enrollment Date Flag (attendance.DW_dimEnrollmentDateFlag using EnrollmentDateFlagKEY)
- Student (dw.DW_dimStudent using StudentKEY),
- School (dw.DW_dimSchool using SchoolKEY), and
- School Calendar (dw.DW_dimSchoolCalendar using SchoolCalendarKEY) tables.
Optionally, you can add student Enrollments (dw.DW_dimEnrollment) using the EnrollmentKEY and Program Enrollments (dw.DW_dimProgramCombination and dw.DW_dimProgramEnrollment) using the ProgramCombinationKEY and ProgramEnrollmentKEY if you are interested in disaggregating attendance data by grade level or program enrollments status at the time of their attendance record.
The Enrollment field will contain either 0 or 1 representing if the student was enrolled that day. Attendance will contain a value between 0 and 1 representing if the student attended or partially attended that day. The logic for populating this field is specific to your student information system and the configuration set up during implementation. Absence will contain a value between 0 and 1 representing if the student was absent or partially absent that day. MinutesPresent and MinutesPossible represent the total minutes present and possible for the attendance day.
If you are analyzing your data using Tableau Desktop, a starter data source is available here.
Class Attendance
This data block provides attendance and enrollment information at the class period level. Often, it is used for secondary school information to report on attendance by day for teacher, class or course periods. You can use this data source to report on course-level attendance or student demographic information by teacher or course.
One row of information for each date for each student for each course with a mark for enrolled, present and absent.
To use, the fact table (attendance.DW_factAttendanceClass) should be joined to the:
- Attendance Code (attendance.dw_dimAttendanceCode using AttendanceCodeKEY)
- Course (dw.DW_dimCourse using CourseKEY)
- Staff (dw.DW_dimStaff using StaffKEY)
- Student (dw.DW_dimStudent using StudentKEY),
- School (dw.DW_dimSchool using SchoolKEY), and
- School Calendar (dw.DW_dimSchoolCalendar using SchoolCalendarKEY) tables.
If you are analyzing your data using Tableau Desktop, a starter data source is available here.
The Enrollment field will contain either 0 or 1 representing if the student was enrolled in that class on that day. Attendance will contain a value between 0 and 1 representing if the student attended or partially attended that class. The logic for populating this field is specific to your student information system and the configuration set up during implementation. Absence will contain a value between 0 and 1 representing if the student was absent or partially absent that day. MinutesPresent and MinutesPossible represent the total minutes present and possible for the attendance day.
Demographic Daily Attendance
This data source provides attendance, absence and enrollment information at the demographic group level for each school and day. It does not contain student-specific data and as such, will provide significant performance improvements in reporting. You can use this data block to report on the attendance trends for specific demographic groups compared to their school’s average.