Information in this block gives visibility into both positive and negative student behavior incidents recorded by staff in a behavior management system and/or student information system.
When/how should I use the behavior data block?
- Identify behavior patterns at your school
- Building a “merit points leaderboard” to recognize positive behaviors
- Determine what your biggest behavior problems are and when they may be most prevalent
- Provide evidence at a student’s suspension/expulsion hearing
- Determine appropriate severity of punishment – is the student a repeat offender?
- Indication of which students may have potential for conflict with each other
- Taking into account behavior history when assigning students to classes at the beginning of the year
What the behavior data block includes:
- Daily Behavior Incidents (Credits, Merits, Deductions, Demerits, etc.)
- Serious Behavior Incidents (Suspensions, Expulsions, Detentions, etc.)
What the behavior data block does not include:
- Aggregated Weekly Paycheck/Merit Report Totals
What are the "Standardized_XX" fields in each table?
- These are fields that can be configured through the Data Configuration Settings. While they are primarily used for the Schoolzilla dashboards, you can use them to easily group and categorize your data for other reporting. Please see this article for more information on how to update the Data Configuration Settings.
Behavior Incidents
What does one “unit” of data look like for the Behavior Incidents table?
The "unit" of data is a behavior incident. Note: the total number of records in factBehaviorIncidents is equal to the total number of behavior incidents.
Note: factBehaviorIncidents can hold both when an incident occurred and when it was reported if the data is available and these can then be analyzed separately.
To use, the fact table (dw.dw_factBehaviorIncidents) should be joined to:
- Behaviors (dw.dw_dimBehavior using BehaviorKEY)
- Behavior Events (dw.dw_dimBehaviorEvents using BehaviorEventKEY)
- Staff (dw.dw_dimStaff using StaffKEY) *this reflects the staff member reporting the incident
- Calendars (dw.dw_dimSchoolCalendar using SchoolCalendarKEY)
While this fact table does include some basic information about when an event occurred, we strongly recommend joining to Behavior Events (dw.dw_dimBehaviorEvents) as this table is the larger dimensional table for all behavior events. This table allows you to join an incident to it's corresponding response (see next section), the demographics of students involved, and the site where the event occurred.
Behavior Responses
What does one "unit" of data look like for the Behavior Responses table?
The "unit" of data is a behavior consequence. Note: the total number of records in factBehaviorResponses is equal to the total number of behavior consequences.
To use, the fact table (dw.dw_factBehaviorResponses) should be joined to:
- Responses (dw.dw_dimBehaviorResponse using BehaviorResponseKEY)
- Behavior Events (dw.dw_dimBehaviorEvents using BehaviorEventKEY)
- Staff (dw.dw_dimStaff using StaffKEY) *this reflects the staff member reporting the incident
- Calendars (dw.dw_dimSchoolCalendar using SchoolCalendarKEY)
While this fact table does include some basic information about when an event occurred, we strongly recommend joining to Behavior Events (dw.dw_dimBehaviorEvents) as this table is the larger dimensional table for all behavior events. This table allows you to join a response to it's corresponding incident, the demographics of students involved, and the site where the event occurred.
Which types of connectors feed this block?
We support behavior data stored in all of our supported SISes, as well as Kickboard, LiveSchool, DeansList, and SWIS.
Schoolzilla Starter Tableau Data Sources
What data sources make up the behavior data block?
There are currently three root data sources in the behavior data block:
- Daily Behavior (factBehaviorIncidents): Daily Behavior
- Behavior Incidents & Responses (factBehaviorIncidents + factBehaviorResponses): Serious Behavior Incidents
- Behavior Incidents & Responses - School Personalized: Same as Behavior Incidents & Responses but with school level personalization available.
- Behavior Incidents & Responses - Student Personalized: Same as Behavior Incidents & Responses but with student level personalization available.
- Behavior Data Rates (factDailyEnrollment + factBehaviorIncidents + factBehaviorResponses)
What do these data sources look like?
Daily Behavior:
Behavior Incidents & Responses:
Behavior Data Rates