Schoolzilla is excited to announce a GPA data block available for Data Warehouse customers!
What does one row of data look like in the GPA data block?
Each row represents one GPA value per student per term or grade period per GPA Type per school year. To prevent duplication of data, be sure to add GPA Type, GPA Calculation, and a school year field to the view that you are creating in Tableau. In addition, you will want to include the time period – either term or grade period – that represents the smallest time period of data stored in your source system.
System Student ID | Full Name | GPA Type | GPA Calculation | School Year 4 Digit | Term or Grade Period |
10000 | Harry Potter | Cumulative | Weighted | 2018 | ----- |
10000 | Harry Potter | Cumulative | Unweighted | 2018 | ----- |
10000 | Harry Potter | Term | Weighted | 2018 | S1 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Term | Unweighted | 2018 | S1 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Rolling Term | Weighted | 2018 | S1 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Rolling Term | Unweighted | 2018 | S1 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Term | Weighted | 2018 | S2 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Term | Unweighted | 2018 | S2 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Rolling Term | Weighted | 2018 | S2 |
10000 | Harry Potter | Rolling Term | Unweighted | 2018 | S2 |
To use, the fact table (grades.dw_factGPAScores) should be joined to:
- GPA (grades.dw_dimGPA using GPAKey)
- Term (dw.dw_dimTerm using TermKEY)
- Grading Period (grades.dw_dimGradePeriod using GradePeriodKEY)
- Student (dw.DW_dimStudent using StudentKEY),
- School (dw.DW_dimSchool using SchoolKEY),
Optionally, you can add student Enrollments (dw.DW_dimEnrollment) using the EnrollmentKEY and Program Enrollments (dw.DW_dimProgramCombination and dw.DW_dimProgramEnrollment) using the ProgramCombinationKEY and ProgramEnrollmentKEY if you are interested in disaggregating assessment performance by grade level or program enrollments status at the time the GPA was earned.
Can I view individual student grades with the GPA data block in Tableau?
To view individual student grades associated with the term or grading period, you can create a report that uses two data sources: GPA and Grades 2.0. GPA only stores information about GPA; whereas Grades 2.0 contains specific grade values per term or grading period. Within a single report, you can use an action filter to link student’s GPA to their grades associated with that same term or grade period. Please see here for more information about the Grades data block and the Grades 2.0 Tableau data source.
Where do GPA Types come from?
For most source systems, we pull in GPA types directly from the system. We also support a Schoolzilla GPA type for Powerschool and Aeries API customers. This type will be used for grades stored in these two systems because they do not have an option for us to pull GPA aggregations directly for both cumulative and term GPA. See this article for information on the various Schoolzilla GPA types and their definitions.
As we add new GPA Types, you can view how each is defined by referencing the GPACalcDescription field.
Is there historical cumulative GPA data?
It depends. The GPA data block will only include historical or rolling cumulative GPA values if we can extract these values from the source system. For example, if it is S2 2018-2019, it may not possible to see a student’s cumulative GPA as of S1 2018-2019. To understand how a student’s GPA has changed over time, you can use GPA Type = Term GPA.
Why does the GPA Type = “Cumulative” only populate for the latest time period?
For most source systems, we are only able to pull in a student’s GPA for the latest time period. This time period is determined based on what the most recent active term is in your student information system.