Smarter Balanced summative assessment results are available on the new Cambium Assessment Inc. reporting tool website to authorized district and school users in Connecticut. This video tutorial explains how to export your data in CSV format using the Cambium Assessment Inc. reporting tool. Finally, you can address frequently asked questions about Smarter Balanced Results with this list of helpful resources and access additional training videos for the Cambium Assessment Inc. reporting tool.
Results files should be submitted to Schoolzilla as a .csv file. Please do not alter the file layout or change column headers.
Submitting your CMT Results
Schoolzilla currently supports CMT results from the 2005-2006 school year through the 2013-2014 school year.
The results file should be submitted as a .csv, and should contain 75 columns.
Connecticut Assessment results can be accessed on the Centralized Reporting System. Contact the CT Student Assessment Office at 860-713-6860 for login assistance with this platform.