In order to send Schoolzilla your ISTAR data, please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the ISTAR Website and open each ISTAR Class Roster report. This is what the header of the PDF should look like:
- Please download and complete the ISTAR Test Template.csv (391 Bytes) and save as a .csv.
- From the PDF, begin transferring the data into the assessment template excel file. The mapping for the information is provided below with the Template column on the left and the information you need to enter on the right in italics. Any columns not specifically included in the list below should be left blank. The template includes a row of sample data to provide additional guidance. Please delete this row of data before saving and uploading your file.
SystemStudentID: STN
FirstName: StudentName (broken up)
LastName: StudentName (broken up
SystemSchoolID: School Number (top right of pdf)
TestType: "ISTAR"
TestPeriod: must be "Part 1", "Part 2", "Part 3"
TestSubjectGroup: must be "ELA", "Math", "Social Studies", or "Science"
TestSubject: must be "ELA", "Math", "Social Studies", or "Science"
TestGradeLevel: Student Grade
TestName: "ISTAR (insert testsubject from above)"
TestDate: must include date from within testperiod range
TestScore: Student Score
ScaleScore: Student Score
ProficiencyLevelScore: should be 1, 2, or 3 based on ProficiencyLevel (see further instructions below)
ProficiencyLevel: ProficiencyRating
ProficiencyLevelCode: same as ProficiencyLevelScore
Important notes:
- This template does not support subscores, please only enter overall scores
- Data must be saved as a csv
- All score fields should be numberic
- The fields with additional instructions (TestType, TestDate, TestSubjectGroup, ProficiencyLevelScore) must be filled out accurately for your data to process.
- For ProficiencyLevelScore and ProficiencyLevelCode to populate correctly without needing to enter the data manually, copy and paste the following formula into the first cell in that column =IF(V2="Developing",1,IF(V2="Meeting",2,IF(V2="Exceeding",3))). Pull the formula down to populate all rows that have data. Once both ProficiencyLevelScore and ProficiencyLevelCode have been populated copy and paste as (values only) so that the formula is no longer in the file. Then save the file.
Once you have finished filling out your template please upload your saved csv to the ISTAR MyData form.
Please reach out to the Schoolzilla support team if you have any questions!